How to Get a Press pass for Events & Festivals

Securing a press pass can be a true game-changer for photographers who are actively seeking to gain access to a variety of exciting events, concerts, and exclusive happenings. Whether you're aiming to shoot at high-profile events or looking to capture unique behind-the-scenes action, a press pass serves as your essential ticket into these opportunities. This comprehensive guide will methodically walk you through the vital steps to obtain a press pass, ensuring that you're fully well-prepared to navigate this crucial aspect of professional photography effectively.

Understanding What a Press Pass Is

A press pass is an official and highly regarded credential issued by event organizers, esteemed media outlets, or recognized press associations that grants photographers special and often exclusive access to restricted areas at various events. This access could include entry into press pits at concerts, backstage areas at fashion shows, or other locations that are typically off-limits to the general public and regular attendees. It's crucial to note that a press pass is not merely a free ticket to gain entrance to an event; rather, it serves as a professional credential that comes with certain responsibilities, expectations, and guidelines that the holder must adhere to while covering the assignment.

Why You Need a Press Pass

For photographers, a press pass is far more than just a simple badge—it serves as a vital key to capturing unique, up-close shots that would otherwise be impossible to obtain from the crowded general audience area.

This valuable credential not only allows access to restricted areas but also adds significant credibility to your work, signalling to others that you are a serious and dedicated professional in your field. With a press pass in hand, you can cover events more comprehensively and effectively, build an impressive portfolio filled with striking images, and potentially increase your visibility and reputation tremendously within the competitive photography industry.

Steps to Obtain a Press Pass

Build Your Portfolio

Before you can even begin to consider the process of applying for a press pass, it is essential to first have a solid and well-curated portfolio that effectively showcases your work as a photographer. Event organizers and media outlets will be particularly interested in seeing clear examples of your previous photography, especially focusing on work that is directly related to the specific type of event for which you are seeking access. If you happen to be just starting out in your photography career, it may be beneficial to consider shooting smaller, local events as a way to build up your portfolio and gain valuable experience.

Identify the Event or Venue

Determine which specific event or venue you want to cover for your photography work. Take the time to thoroughly research the event's official website to find out who is responsible for issuing press passes. This could potentially be the event organizer themselves, the venue's dedicated public relations team, or perhaps the media relations department associated with the event. Knowing the right contacts will help streamline your application process for the press pass.

Contact Media Outlets

If you don't currently have a direct connection with the event organizer, consider proactively reaching out to various media outlets. There, you can offer your services as a freelance photographer while effectively pitching your genuine interest in covering the upcoming event. If a media outlet finds your proposal appealing and agrees to hire you or credits you by publishing your work, they may then proceed to request a press pass on your behalf, allowing you to gain access to the event.

Apply Directly

Some events provide unique opportunities that allow photographers to apply directly for a coveted press pass. This process typically involves filling out a detailed application form, providing links to your professional portfolio, and clearly explaining your motivations for wanting to cover the specific event. It is essential to highlight your relevant experience and demonstrate how your artistic vision and photographic work align with the coverage needs of the event itself. This thoughtful approach can significantly enhance your chances of being granted access as a photographer.

Join a Professional Association

Joining a reputable and well-respected professional photographers' association, or even a well-regarded press association, can provide significant additional credibility to your work and make it considerably easier to obtain a much-coveted press pass. These organisations typically have established and trusted relationships with various event organizers and can readily vouch for your credentials, experience, and professionalism, which can greatly enhance and expand your opportunities in the field of photography.

Tips for Successfully Securing a Press Pass

  • Apply Early: Press passes are often limited, so apply as early as possible to increase your chances of approval.

  • Be Professional: When contacting event organizers or media outlets, maintain a professional tone and provide all requested information promptly.

  • Follow Up: If you don't hear back after your initial application, don't hesitate to follow up with a polite email or phone call.

  • Prepare for Rejection: Not every application will be successful. If you're denied a press pass, don't be discouraged—use it as a learning experience and try again next time.

Responsibilities and Expectations with a Press Pass

Having a press pass comes with a variety of important responsibilities that every photographer must understand. You’re expected to consistently adhere to the event's specific guidelines, respect the personal space of performers and participants, and avoid obstructing the view of the audience to ensure that everyone has a fair experience. Additionally, you’ll likely be required to properly credit the event and diligently follow any embargoes related to publishing your photos. This professionalism not only reflects well on you but also upholds the integrity of the event itself.


Obtaining a press pass is a valuable step in advancing your photography career. It grants you access to unique opportunities, allows you to capture exclusive shots, and enhances your professional credibility. By building a strong portfolio, applying strategically, and maintaining professionalism, you can successfully navigate the process and gain access to the events that matter most to you.


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